Hackathon ft. Radio club "Timok" (2018,2019)

ZI-man youth fund

Hackathon ft. Radio club "Timok" (2018,2019)

According to a survey conducted at the Technical School, the organization found out that students participate very little in solving problems in their environment. As a reason for their weaker participation in solving problems in the local community, they state that they do not know the way in which they could get involved directly and on their own initiative.

For that reason, in 2018. and 2019, we supported the Hackathon project, whose goal was to encourage and support the development of society, with an emphasis on young people, through digital activism and digital tools. Students gathered in teams or individually applied, are introduced to the techniques of Design Thinking, as a way of thinking creatively and finding solutions to problems in their environment. Within this training, participants were introduced to the Design Thinking process (empathy, problem identification, creating a solution idea, prototyping, testing), as well as digital prototyping tools. 35 students from Majdanpek, Zajecar, Bor, Knjazevac and Svrljig participated in the training.

The last phase of the project was the HACKATHON itself. Hackathons are multi-hour events dedicated to coding or team prototyping of software or hardware solutions. And the last phase of Hackathon is the presentation of team solutions in front of the jury and the public. The jury chose the best solutions, and gave everyone suggestions for improving the solutions that the teams proposed and the way for the realization of the solution.

The winning Palm team presented the idea of ​​an Android application with which citizens can be informed about important events and happenings in Zajecar and also establish communication with the "city" through it. In this way, you could easily report problems that are noticed in the city, but also send suggestions and praise.

The first version of the android application was created and was available for download from the GOOGLE PLAYSTORE page.



Partocracy ft. JAZAS & Eastern Spirit (2017)

Partocracy ft. JAZAS & Eastern Spirit (2017)

ZI-man youth fund

Zimman was the first to hand out playing cards for Partocracy - a satirical board game about the main shortcomings of the system in which we live.

Turn off the TV - think with your head! ft. Gymnasium "Mile Arsenijević - Bandera", Majdanpek (2019)

Turn off the TV - think with your head! ft. Gymnasium "Mile Arsenijević - Bandera", Majdanpek (2019)

Youth in motion

Students of the "Mile Arsenijević - Bandera" gymnasium from Majdanpek and ZIman fighting against misinformation, fake news and propaganda in the media...

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